Saturday, January 12, 2013

Consumer Price index

 It is based on the overall cost of a fixed basket of goods and services bought by a typical consumer, relative to price of the same basket in some base year.

By including a broad range of thousands of goods and services with the fixed basket, the CPI can obtain an accurate estimate of the cost of living.

Consumer price index:
Indonesia - 51.42
Thailand- 50.16

As consumer price index can be used to estimate cost of living, comparison between CPI of Thailand and Indonesia will tell us that Indonesians have a higher cost of living as it has a higher CPI.

This tells us that Indonesians have a (slightly) lower standard of living. With a higher cost of living, Indonesians enjoy less material goods and perhaps necessities than Thais due to the cost of goods. Therefore, Indonesians have a lower standard of living than Thais in the material aspect. 

* standard of living: The level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area.


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